QRG 101

While most of us see trees strong and able to bear all the wildest temperatures, it is essential to make sure they are protected from environmental stresses. When heavy winds from the north & west blow in Miami, Florida, the cold-sensitive trees cannot stand the harsh gales. Just like other living beings, your trees also need fortification; therefore, you must have them buckled up before winter approaches.

Let's briefly discuss everything you need to plan and do to protect trees before winter in Miami, Florida

1. Watering:

If you have a newly planted tree, make sure you water it abundantly before winter. Since these trees do not have strongly expanded roots, they may not be able to absorb water during the winters. This makes them susceptible to damage in the winter. But giving plenty of water to trees from mid-October to November will make them bear winter. As far as fast growing outdoor plants are concerned, they may grow, but their roots may not be substantial. So, make sure you also water the fast growing plants.


2. Donut Mulching:

Mulching is the process of applying a layer of mulch over the surface. Mulches include woodchips, grass clippings, bark, seed hulls, straw, gravel, and rock. Covering your trees with mulch in winters is highly significant as it helps trees retain moisture and bear extreme temperatures. However, it is important to keep at least 6 inches of distance between the mulch and trunk to avoid fungus growth and insect damage; therefore, it is called donut mulching. 


3. Wrapping:

Leaves on the trees provide extra protection to the trees. However, when they are shed in the autumn, it is crucial to restoring trees' protection, especially when cold temperatures are approaching. One of the easiest and most efficient ways of protecting tree trunks and branches is by wrapping them with tree wrap to help avoid suffering from sunscalds.

4. Prunning:

Pruning is another essential way of protecting the health of your trees in winter. Cutting dead or drying branches increase the strength of trees. During heavy snowfall and heavy winds, the dead branches are more susceptible to damage, possibly resulting in their fall. Therefore, it is important to prune them before winters approach.

It is quite strange that it is widely thought that tree trimming and pruning before winter is a bad idea. However, it is not!

Let us vastly understand why is tree trimming important.

  1. Prevents Winter Damage

The most important benefit of tree trimming in winter is that it saves your trees from damage in the winter. Damaged or dying branches are highly at risk of being affected by snow. Therefore, getting rid of them firsthand is significant to prevent any risks and damage.

  1. More Efficient To Trim the Trees

Tree trimming requires deploying heavy equipment and tree trimming tools, and therefore, doing it in the summer can damage your landscapes. Thus it is a more efficient, safe, and fast process to trim the trees in winter instead of any other season.


  1. Prevents Spreading Disease

Winter trimming and pruning prevent the disease that spreads easily during the spring and summer growing seasons. During winters, the disease-causing elements are either dead or dormant, leading to a more secure process of pruning!


  1. Tree Looks Great in Spring

When you prune/ trim your trees in winter, they will rejuvenate in spring with new growth and recover rapidly. Your trees will look beautiful and well in shape in spring. So, winter is the best time to trim trees.


Quick FAQs

How Tree Trimming Can Increase The Value Of Your Property?

As discussed earlier, dead and dying trees are at risk of falling down as a result of heavy snowfall. It may result in damage to property and lives. If you are selling a house in winter, make sure you do tree trimming to guarantee the security of the property and lives. This will also increase the value of your property, and you'll be able to secure a good sum.

Does Cutting Off Dead Branches Help A Tree Growth?

This is one of the most common questions that people ask. And the answer is Yes! How?

When you remove the damaged or dead branches from the tree with accurate tree trimming techniques, the shape of the tree improves, allowing more space for sunlight and air to circulate through the branches. The more sunlight, the more photosynthesis; the more photosynthesis, the more growth. Also, the trees get more healthy when they are pruned because they focus on strengthening their branches instead of dividing their strength into dead and damaged parts. So, yes! Prune dead branches as it leads to trees' sustainable growth!

How Much Does Tree Trimming Cost?

On average, tree trimming cost is something between $75 to $1,500, depending on the complexity and level of work required. The bigger the trees, the more you will be charged; the more complex the tree trimming, the more the charges. The factors that determine the cost of tree trimming include the tree's size, type, health, and location. Moreover, the season and the time of the year may also impact the charges. For example, tree trimming charges in peak seasons will be higher than off-season.

How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost?

Do you need to prune a  palm tree in your yard and want to have a rough idea before you are scammed into paying a huge sum? You may expect somewhere around $60-$75 for palm tree trimming. However, as said earlier, it depends on the size, location, and time of the trimming. Thus the charge may fluctuate anywhere around the estimated cost. Call a reputable, local tree trimming company to offer fruit tree pruning service and the job for you as they are normally affordable!


Final Words!

If you care for your trees, they will care for you! Therefore, it is important to prevent any sort of damage they may experience during the winter. So, this winter, make sure you have pruned, mulched, wrapped, and watered your trees already!